Technical Specifications


Clear Liquid

pH / Viscosity

pH range = 2.5-4
Viscosity range = 4-6 cP


Collagen = 2.8-3.2 mg/mL
Hydroxyproline = >12%


Contains Between 93-97% Type I Collagen
Contains Between 3-7% Type III Collagen

Amino Acid Profile

Meets Published Ovine Collagen Composition

Gel Electrophoresis

Visible α1, α2, β11, β12, Type 1γ and Type III bands

Protease Resistance

Trypsin = Resistant to Cleavage
Collagenase = Susceptible to Cleavage

Endotoxin Levels

<0.5 EU/mL (@ 3 mg/mL)

Heavy Metal Analysis

No detectable levels of
Arsenic, Cesium, Lead or Mercury

Product Information

CollOvine™ Premium Ovine Collagen

Customized Ovine Collagen Sample Formulations

We offer samples of our standard CollOvine™, Functionalized Collagen and CollOvine™ derivatives. Need a Custom Formulation? It’s easy to order your CollOvine™ premium ovine samples by clicking the button below!